Monday, August 1, 2011

satisfactory sectional

We started finishing the basement shortly after we moved in three years ago, but really buckled down on the project this past spring. We're thisclose to finishing, but one of the hitches has been furniture. It's a really large space, but there are small openings and tight corners to get through. The first sectional we bought didn't fit. Well, I guess we'll never really know if it would have fit or not because the movers didn't even try. They took one look at one of their entry options and laughed all the way back to their truck. The second sectional was a similar story, except this time we had math on our side and Al even took down a door frame. No luck, they wouldn't even try.

Al was googling some search terms such as, 'how to get a couch to fit in an impossibly small opening' when the Home Reserve site popped up. We were both skeptical at the thought of a wood couch, but we were pretty much out of options. It's a great site, I highly recommend you check it out just for fun.

The only couch that will fit down here.... in 6 boxes. We have smiles on our faces, but will they stay there???

Here is the first piece we put together. So far, so good. You can see the wood construction at the bottom (it's the same kind of wood they use to build houses so it's really sturdy and strong).

Every piece has storage underneath. All you have to do is take off the cushion and lift the lid.

Two pieces!

It took us a total of three evenings to put it together, but we could have done it a lot faster if life didn't get in the way. Here it is with one piece left to go.

Finished! Taking his first nap on it as I type.

So far, it's pretty comfy. The cushions need to break in, so it's just a little more firm than I would prefer. I'm also debating about adding another piece to make it symmetrical. Opinions, anyone? It was super easy to put together - a 3rd grader could follow the instructions and the only tools needed are a hammer and screwdriver. It would be simple to change the fabric if we didn't like this or got tired of it. I could also change the layout of it without much trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth, I didn't know you had a blog! This is the only post I can see, it says I'm not invited to the rest, LOL! Nice couch...
