Thursday, December 24, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Click to read.


I'm glad you found me! You might be wondering how I came up with the title of this blog. Selah is thought to be a musical term, used in the Psalms, possibly meaning to pause, praise and/or reflect. In modern notation, a pause is called a caesura (or 'railroad tracks' if you're not a huge music nerd). You can see the 'railroad tracks' below.

Thus concludes your music theory lesson for today.

Back to Selah. I like the idea of pausing, because life goes by way too quickly. My toddler never stops moving, and I spend my time trying to enjoy her and keep her out of trouble. Days rapidly turn into blurry weeks and months. A good friend warned me of the "tyranny of the urgent" that makes us forget what's really important and I'm still trying to learn that lesson nearly 10 years later! Sometimes housework and lessons and rehearsals and all the other somewhat insignificant things somehow push away what I really need and want to do and be.

I also like the idea of reflecting and praising, which is why I blog in the first place. I have so much to be thankful for, and it helps me to stop and reflect on my gratitude for this amazing life I've been given.

The number 3 in the address is simply for the size of my family right now. And because '' wasn't available. :)

So make yourself comfortable and hopefully you'll find time in your day to selah.