Monday, November 21, 2011

photo shoot fail

This was just a comedy of errors... but not as funny as the disaster of giving 5 and 6 year olds flashlights to hold while they sing in church.  But that's Al's story to tell.

Anyway, I got a great deal on some studio time and a photography class and we decided to use our first hour in the studio yesterday.  I kind of knew ahead of time that there was really no way Al and I could handle keeping all three kids safe and contained AND get them to smile and look cute AND take their pictures with barely functional photography skills.  And I was right.  I've never been more right about anything in my life.  It didn't help that the studio had TERRIBLE colors and was all decorated for Christmas without a traditional red or green in sight.  And we had everyone all dressed up in cute coordinating traditional colors.  Oh well.  I got a handful of sort of cute shots, but nothing of all three.  Hopefully our next attempt will be better...

Aren't the pastels just awful with Noelle's dress??  Maybe I should make this one black and white...

I have no idea why, but on film Micah always reminds me of Joey from Friends: 

As if we weren't tortured enough, we decided to treat ourselves to the most unfriendly for children London Tea Room after we were finished.  The soup was totally worth it, though. :)  And taking pictures outside is a thousand percent easier than inside (even with the lighting of a studio).

If only I had managed to get his entire head in the shot!  Although, I can't believe he held still long enough for me to even get a decently focused picture.  But those eyes just kill me.

This picture cracks me up.

Brian loves to 'talk' on the phone.  He'll pretend anything is a phone and if nothing is available, he'll just use his hand.  Below, he's saying, "Haaaaa!"  (his version of 'hi').

Al really likes this picture, so here it is.  I did take lots of pictures of Brian, but the best ones don't look that great because his hair was still wet from us attempting to tame it a bit (see last picture).

Sunday, November 20, 2011